Special programmes

Although all programmes are great, there are some programmes in my collection that I consider to be extra special. Here are some examples of those special programmes:

The programme of the cancelled 2010 Japanese Grand Prix.

When a vulcano in Iceland erupted, the Japanese Grand Prix was cancelled only days before it started, as bikes and parts could not be send by air. Programmes were already printed an this is one of those, dated 23-25 april 2010. A programme of a Grand Prix that was never held.


The programme of the 1950 Ulster Grand Prix.

The programme I have is bound in linnen. At first I thought that someone had the softcover programme bound. Later I discovered that at the Ugp but also the Isle of Man TT races, the programmes for the officials were  originally bound. So the programme I have is one a few specially bound programmes.


The programme of the 1985 Dutch TT.

This is a very special  programme for me mainly because the TT itself was very special for me. At that time, I was working at a store house during holidays and one day my boss said during coffee break: "Say Cor, you like motorcycles, do you? We have some tickets or something from Barclay (Streuers team), if you like it you can have them" . I started to get nervous right away: what sort of tickets  was he mentioning. Could it be that he was talking about ....... VIP tickets? And indeed... when I looked at the tickets, it appeared to be VIP tickets of the Barclay racing team of Streuer-Schnieders. I had the TT of my life! It was raining like hell that day, but I didn't care a bit. I could see all my heroes live!


The programme of the 1949 Junior TT.

This is a very special programme: it's the programme of the 1949 Junior TT, held at the Isle of Man. This was the first race ever that counted for the Roadrace World Championship.


The programme of the 1953 West-German Grand Prix.

This was the only time a motorcycle Grand Prix event was held at the Schottenring. The track was very bad, lots of accidents happened and after fatal accidents in other classes, the 500cc riders decided they didn't want to start on this track. It must have been really, really bad considering the fact that the 1953 World Championship visited lots of other tracks that in the present day would be banned for racing right away.


Programme of the Int races at Oulton Park, august 31 1981.

The international races at the Oulton Park circuit were visited by a Dutch rider. Not just a Dutch rider, but the man who just a few weeks before won the British Motorcycle Grand Prix, beating world champion Kenny Roberts on the finish line: the late Jack Middelburg. He was the last rider ever to win a British 500cc Grand Prix on a privateer bike. When I got this Oulton Park programme, it was just great to see Jumping Jack on the cover.